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6 Reasons Small Business Owners Should Hire a Tax Pro

Isaac M. O’Bannon, Managing Editor On Dec 26, 2018

If you heard that millions of people tried performing surgery on themselves every year, you’d likely be aghast or at least perplexed that people would take such a chance at something so complex. Well, every year, millions of taxpayers decide to perform complex tax preparation by themselves and, while it may not put their life at risk, it is a perilous task.

For taxpayers with the simplest income tax returns, do-it-yourself online tax systems will likely suffice. These people often have only one source of income coming from a traditional employer, may have a home mortgage with interest, student loan debt and perhaps some childcare credits. For individuals with more complex incomes, such as revenue from businesses, income from interest and dividends, capital gains on a home sale or foreign assets, seeking the expertise of a professional can save time, money and potential legal complications.

For small business owners and most taxpayers, there are many reasons why seeking a tax professional is better than performing your own tax surgery.
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